Abstractor Registration
Company Name:*
(Same as it reflects on your W-9)
Do you have Form W-9?*
*If yes, please attach a copy of your current Form W-9.
Yes No
How many years of experience do you have performing abstracts for the purpose of real estate transfer, or conveyance of title, for attorneys, abstract companies and/or title insurance companies?*
Primary Contact:*
Additional Contact:
Street Address:*
Mailing Address:
Mailing address same as street address
Office Phone:*
Mobile Phone:
Can you be reached at all times during the work day?*
Yes No
If not, at what time(s) may we contact you?
Do you have computer access to county records, in office?*
Yes No
What is your source of title information?
Plant Court/Recorder's office
If you use a plant
Plant Name:
Plant Owner:
Type of Plant:
How current is plant?
Does plant have E&O coverage?
Yes No
Do you have E&O insurance?*
*If yes, please attach a copy of your current E&O insurance certificate.
Yes No
Are you or the company licensed?*
*If yes, please attach a copy of current license.
Yes No
Are you an agent for any title insurance underwriters?*
If so, for whom?
Yes No
Do you have any claims/judgements pending or have you had any filed against you in the past related to any real estate transaction(s)?*
Yes No
Have you been arrested for a felony in the past?*
Yes No
Is the Company/Agency Minority Owned?
Yes No
How many orders can you, and/or your staff, handle per day?
Please upload coverage document as per the template*
Please provide a list of your abstractors that will provide service for Orchestrate Mortgage & Title Solutions, LLC
Abstractors Name
Years of Experience
Do you have a qualification process in place for your network of abstractors?*
Yes No